A great training plan fuels business success. And all the magic starts with a training plan template.
A quick look at employee training plan templates
Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of training your remote team, let’s remind ourselves what exactly an employee training plan template is. An employee training plan template is the standard framework from which to build your company’s individual development plan examples for employees. Each and every employee has their own needs, career objectives, job duties, and skill requirements. And, meeting these needs can be daunting, to say the least.
Yes, it’s true that training should always be personalized depending on your new hire’s role and responsibilities. However, following a training schedule template offers a number of benefits. In fact, designing a training template will make it easy for your team to provide learners, either in-person or remote, with a superior learning experience.
So, what are some good ways to train remote teams?
Remote employee training is a hot topic right now, and that’s mainly because it was thrown into the spotlight in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This challenge is exacerbated when scheduled training has to be shifted to remote delivery of work-related tasks and projects.
There are different ways to set up and deliver remote training, and determining which process works best for you will depend on your needs. Here are some recommended steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free way to get your virtual training up and running fast.
1. Choose your delivery model
When we use the term ‘remote training,’ most people’s first thought is something similar to an online meeting. And while that’s definitely a popular model, it’s not the only one available to you. You can choose synchronous (all learners are participating simultaneously), asynchronous (learners access learning content and assessments and communicate and participate in activities on their own time), or blended learning (a mix of both). Your delivery model may change depending on the training topic, size of your team, or general preferences.
2. Incorporate a learning management system (LMS)
Figuring out how to manage, deploy, and track your training efforts is just as important as choosing the best training delivery methods for your learners. This is where a learning management system comes in. An LMS will, at the very least, take the hard work out of inviting attendees to remote sessions, assigning learning materials, and tracking results. Additionally, an LMS makes it easy to create and update training materials so everyone stays on the same page.
3. Prepare your learning materials
Depending on your delivery model (synchronous, asynchronous, or a bit of both), you will want to create new employee training plan template materials that cater to that method. Incorporate other types of content, too, such as video, polls, surveys, and more for added engagement!
4. Deliver your training
Now it’s time to actually deliver your remote training program and materials. The good news is that if you use an LMS, this should be simple to set up. You just need to publish your eLearning courses, set deadlines, and assign appropriate lessons to your employees.
5. Track learner results
Once again, an LMS should have you covered here. What you decide to track will depend on your organizational needs. And while many organizations tend to only review course completions, we recommend looking at other metrics, too. For example, take a look at how long learners took to complete each eLearning course, their scores on particular quizzes or assessments, if they revisited content, or how they rated training in relation to learner satisfaction.
Here are a few more tips for effective remote employee training
When it comes to remote training, we have no shortage of helpful tips. We’ve helped hundreds of teams move to remote training, and here are just a few more things to keep in mind.
- Make an effective training schedule
- Create a pre-class checklist
- Define the support process
- Ensure access is pain-free
- Make mobile-friendly courses
- Respect your learners’ time
- Develop quick bits of information
- Stay online and offer regular check-ins or meetings
- Engage learners with different training formats
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