In our prior blog post, transforming sales teams in financial services (part 1), we discussed the challenges Financial services firms face in delivering a best-in-class client experience. We saw an example where a poor experience was delivered and felt all too normal for a financial advisor.
Many firms understand the importance of experience. In fact, McKinsey found, in 2018, before our current crisis, that “Of the 50 largest global banks, three out of four now pledge themselves to some form of customer-experience transformation”
Financial services firms have historically relied on relationship managers, advisors, and wholesalers to personally deliver that client experience, but with the shift to digital channels–and now, a virtual work environment, that experience has to be delivered online, at scale, and often through content.
Here’s what we know about good content experiences: the ideal experience should be based on the delivery of personalized, value-add, interactive, and relevant content.
It’s not enough to present product information or pure data. Rather, that information needs to advise your clients in making their difficult business decisions.
In a recent webinar, one of Seismic’s clients, Fulton Bank, shared an example of just such a client experience which their banker was able to deliver with content created in Seismic, powered by Vertical IQ, an innovative industry research platform.
Listen to the client’s reaction to receiving personalized, value-add, interactive, and relevant content.
So, how do your sales and client-facing teams deliver that kind of quality client experience? It takes the right tools, process, and content. That’s what 250+ financial services trust Seismic.
Learn more by reading our latest, ebook: Transforming Sales Teams in Financial Services.
In this e-book, you will learn:
- How to move to a digital-first culture
- How leading firms share best practices virtually
- Where data can be applied to improve sales team performance