Let’s go on
a braindate
Braindates are 1:1 or small group conversations you can book on the Braindate platform or on-site. They’re the best way to brainstorm, solve challenges, share expertise, and connect with new people!
Here’s how
to set up a
- Log into the Braindate platform to create your profile. You can also access Braindate through our event app which launches 10/1/24.
- Explore the Braindate Topic Market: Post topics that you’d like to discuss with others during the event. You can choose whether it’s a group discussion or a 1:1 discussion.
- Book your Braindates: Send invitations to anyone whose topic interests you — or accept invitations you receive on topics you’ve proposed. Once confirmed, your Braindates will take place at Shift in the Braindate Lounge.
* We’ll notify you when it’s time to sign up for a Braindate, so be on the lookout!