Old-school online training platforms are notoriously inefficient and difficult to navigate. For example, with traditional eLearning creation software, it could take weeks or months just to learn how to launch your first online training course. ELearning authoring tools should be simple, straightforward and easy to use.

That’s where our online training software is different. Unlike other online training software out there, Lessonly by Seismic’s intuitive lesson builder makes it easy to develop online training courses quickly. Our one-of-a-kind training creation software is designed to help you produce elegant, clean lessons that are automatically optimised for mobile. The drag-and-drop content elements make it easy to create lessons and resources for your team. Our learning software also makes it easy to build interactive elements into your lessons – peer learning tools, quizzes, flip cards and more. With Lessonly by Seismic, your team will have the best online training programme.

Give us a try and experience the ease and simplicity of our modern eLearning authoring tools. Our platform is incredibly user-friendly and optimised for creating high-quality, valuable training for employees at every level. You’ll love how easy it is to create new lessons and save time with our training platform.

Virtual training and online training videos

For modern employees, learning means more than simply reading books and memorising information. Those forms of knowledge transfer have been revolutionised by multimedia learning programmes and interactive lessons. And Lessonly by Seismic’s dynamic online learning system incorporates all forms of media – including videos – into the courses, lessons and resources you build for your team.

Conveying specific messages and information through video can be a faster, more effective way for employees to learn and retain information. All the best online training software and eLearning tools include a video training platform. With our eLearning app, you don’t have to be a technologist to upload or embed videos. Lessonly by Seismic makes it easy to upload and embed videos and combine them with supporting text for comprehensive virtual training lessons.

Corporate training software

We work with many teams who are looking for the best training management software possible for their company. Typically, these people fall into two different groups – those who prioritise fidelity in their employee training software, and those who prioritise speed.

Companies that prioritise fidelity aim for content with a high production value – something you might see on a professional broadcast with lots of extra features. On the other hand, companies that prioritise speed create content around rapidly changing topics. They use media that’s produced quickly and organically, usually a combination of smartphone videos, blog content, screenshots and quick captions.

Both these groups are valuable and there are times and places for both in online employee training. Fidelity is the winner for content that stays relatively static – traditional HR topics. Think workplace conduct and compliance-related, leadership topics. Speed, on the other hand, is vital for companies looking to keep up with the pace of modern business. Online management training and online employee training software built for speed is focused on productivity learning. It’s designed to help teams learn the information they need to do better, more tactical work. Companies have to train employees quickly and keep them up to speed when information changes.

Online training management system

The means by which training is delivered to employees is often just as important as training content itself. We believe that access to information is more important than perfect mastery of that information. So we designed our training management software accordingly – to be accessible and shareable across all platforms and operating systems.

Why is accessibility and shareability in a training management system so important? Because in today’s rapidly changing world, where work knowledge and tactics are constantly evolving, 100% mastery is neither efficient nor truly possible.

Modern organisations are changing fast. When employees in those organisations use traditional corporate learning approaches, they end up memorising outdated information, which ultimately slows down the whole company. Acknowledging that how people learn has changed when choosing your training management solution gives employees the benefit of unlimited, universal access to information. Then, the pressure to master old-world knowledge is out, and empowered access to the latest and greatest technology, concepts and information is in.

Finally, prioritising access to training management software systems allows employees and teams to tap into courses and resources from their mobile devices. Managers have the ability and freedom to build courses from their mobile devices too. Today’s workers get things done on-the-go. With our software, teams and managers can take control of their training and have it available at their fingertips – wherever they are and whenever they want.

Easy employee training calendar management

It’s easy for training plans to fall by the wayside in business. But, when it comes to learning and training, timing is crucial in setting team members – particularly new hires – up for success. And while adopting an online learning system is a great first step, creating learning and assignment deadlines is essential for getting the most out of training software. Calendar alerts and events ensure team members learn at the desired rate and stay on top of key lessons and assignments, helping them succeed in their day-to-day and long-term responsibilities.

Deliver your employee training plan

One of the biggest mistakes managers make is training reactively instead of proactively. We make it easy to build and develop a proactive training plan so that employees level up their performance in less time than ever before.

Are you still using Excel for your training plan? Software designed specifically for learning makes creating annual training and development plans more efficient. For example, with Lessonly by Seismic, track employee training automatically through triggers, lesson cadences, and scheduled assignments. No more ticking boxes in an Excel spreadsheet. With Lessonly by Seismic, employee training plans are smarter, more efficient, and best of all, automated.

Train 10x faster.

Measure employee learning

Tracking training

Do you measure training progress? If so, how? Do you have a formalised system? Or do you cross your fingers and hope that your team members are excelling and moving forward in their training the way you want them to?

We believe that, to make true progress, the most successful teams are those constantly assessing where they are, where they’re going and tracking key metrics along the way. There are a few different ways to track employee training progress. The first, and most straightforward, is to track completion.

Email isn’t reliable for tracking who has or hasn’t read important documents, training manuals or resource materials. It might give visibility into opens or downloads, but there’s no way to know for sure who has or hasn’t done their homework.

But Lessonly by Seismic also functions as training tracking software. With employee training tracking software, you can easily organise training and automatically remind employees to complete unfinished lessons. Lessonly by Seismic also gives organised visibility into which team members have completed training modules, left them unfinished or still need to get started.

A more nuanced way to track employee training is to measure comprehension. This requires a bit more effort from managers, but it’s worth it. We’re obsessed with measuring the ROI of learning and we’ve found that tracking comprehension is a valuable way to do so. Evaluating training both quantitatively and qualitatively reveals trends such as gaps in information and sections of information that require more time or resources.

Lessonly by Seismic’s employee training tracking software reviews reveal how real companies use Lessonly to make the most of their training programmes. Check out our case studies to find out how tracking employee training made all the difference in onboarding and enablement.

Training record management

Employee learning shouldn’t stop after team members complete new hire onboarding. Winning modern teams recognise the value of continuous learning for employees at every stage in their career. But companies who aren’t measuring or tracking that data will struggle to see the high-level value in learning and training. However, in the bigger, complete picture of ongoing team learning, the true ROI becomes apparent through more productive teams, and everything begins to click.

The best way to track long-term employee training is to use training records management software. Lessonly by Seismic makes this easy to do right within the learning platform. It gives visibility into each and every employee’s ongoing training journey. And this record keeping feature is useful for maintaining compliance, without the hassle of traditional training tactics. With Lessonly by Seismic, long-term records are safe, secure, and accessible for easy reference at any time.

Employee training database

Lessonly by Seismic makes it easy to keep employee training databases up to date with our training database software and unique API.

Our team learning platform features an easy-to-manage interface that allows for managing and exporting data in a variety of ways. And a growing list of integrations helps take learning programmes to the next level. For starters, Lessonly by Seismic integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, which is particularly helpful for reporting team and individual learning data. Combine Salesforce data with employee training data for unique insights into overall learning ROI and valuable connections between training and team productivity.

Finally, features like Okta help make our employee training database smooth and seamless. From tracking who is utilising optional training programmes, to easily authenticating new employees in the system, Lessonly by Seismic makes previously tedious processes fast, efficient and accessible to all.

Develop employee talent with training and development software

Everyone deserves the chance to be great at what they do, and the best managers and leaders embrace the chance to provide their employees with that opportunity. Great employee learning doesn’t happen overnight. And in order to set employees up for their best chance at success, planning is key.

We believe people grow when you show them that their skills, knowledge, expertise and professional development are valued. In too many organisations, professional development has become a tick-the-box item on an HR checklist. Employee training software is the future of professional development. And investing in online employee training and online training development software helps make your team’s professional development a priority and sets them up for success.

Professional development doesn’t have to be siloed into an HR checklist. Instead, it should be an integral part of the employee experience and better yet, company culture. Training and development software like Lessonly provides a roadmap to guide and move employees forward with professional development, making it easy to incorporate it into everyday tasks and responsibilities.

Measure learning ROI

We’re obsessed with learning. But learning for the sake of learning is not enough to justify investing in employee training management software. That’s why we’re not only obsessed with learning, but also with measuring the ROI of learning.

Most businesses use data to make decisions, identify trends and gather insights as a crucial aspect of running their company. Yet, those same businesses have been slow to measure the impact of learning and training on their bottom line.

Typical corporate training websites can’t deliver insightful analytics and learning measurements. However, a modern eLearning platform, like Lessonly by Seismic, is a win for exactly that reason. It tracks employee learning metrics and gives visibility into the bigger business picture: how training and professional development is adding value and positive returns to your business.

Whether it’s online training software for companies or online training software for small business, Lessonly by Seismic measures impactful employee growth through learning. Lessonly by Seismic quantifies and catalogs employee learning data in an organised database, making it easy to see gaps in knowledge and where to focus education.

Training and development tools

Marketers, engineers, analysts and sales reps all have modern tools at their disposal that help them do their jobs better. The same should be true for employee learning. Relying on traditional, outdated learning methods and resources for employee training doesn’t maximize employee learning or ROI.

Lessonly by Seismic is built specifically for employee learning. In fact, we put learners first. That means it’s designed to emphasise learning that drives productivity. With our online learning tools, share and reinforce best practices, subject matter expertise, proven techniques and industry-specific information with your team. In other words, everything employees need to know to get up to speed and start performing well.

Training development tools are an integral part of the employee learning process. Lessonly by Seismic provides the tools teams need to learn, grow and ultimately, succeed. Whether providing sales enablement tools to new business development reps, assigning onboarding lessons to new hires, or quizzing veteran employees on crucial knowledge, we deliver an elevated employee training experience.

Compare online training systems

Outdated LMS training software

Let’s call it out – there’s a negative stigma around training and professional development. This is because training traditionally focused on compliance learning. And compliance learning, while rooted in good intentions, can tend to feel condescending and demeaning.

Traditional web-based training tools also tend to be static. In other words, old-school learning software wasn’t designed to keep up with the pace of modern business and technology. In addition, dated virtual training software-focused too much on mastery of content rather than access to content. Instead of getting employees the information they needed, as fast as possible, in a highly-accessible format, companies measured their employee training success by metrics of mastery.

So, what about today’s online training software? Comparing the two reveals lots of change in both technology and modern workplace culture. Modern training software, like Lessonly by Seismic, is built to provide teams with the knowledge and skills they need to be more productive, more effective and more confident in their jobs. Keep reading to find out more about modern training software and get a better sense of this learning management system comparison.

Modern training software

Teams of all sizes deserve the best online training software, and today, the idea of the best training software means a lot more than it did a few years ago. Not only are traditional training methods less effective in the workplace, today’s employees demand more from training software. They also expect their employers to value learning and professional development as much as they do.

The best online training platforms acknowledge that employee training is changing. They deliver a positive learning experience to employees and make training a dynamic, organised and measurable process for the manager.

Lessonly by Seismic was created to do exactly that. Designed to specifically address the changing needs of modern employees and businesses, we deliver game-changing learning programmes to teams of all types.

The future of eLearning tools

The future of eLearning tools is an exciting frontier. As best learning practices continue to evolve, employees will continue to demand structures and resources from employers that democratise learning and provide unlimited, untethered access to information.

Democratised learning is the crowdsourced approach of engaging employees and leveraging their collective expertise to educate and inspire entire teams. It’s similar to the concept of user-generated content. By capturing the knowledge and experience of top-performing employees, and using it to build lessons, content and key teachings, teams get better and employees feel valued.

The best eLearning platforms will continue to provide employers with organised, streamlined ways to manage employee training and do so in a way that prioritises speed, access and analytics. This helps teams and entire companies keep pace with today’s rapidly changing world.

Ready to see how your organisation can deliver game-changing online courses with Seismic’s online training software? Jump into a free lesson to see what your online training courses could look like.