Employee training takes various forms. In total, the types of employee training are online training, on-site training, onboarding training, ongoing training — it’s usually a combination of these types that make up a company’s training model.

Types of training methods for employees include:

Online training (eLearning) – Online learning has come a long way since SCORM was the standard. Now, lessons and courses can be more easily created and delivered without having to attend in-person sessions. Seismic Learning (formerly Lessonly by Seismic) is a prime example of a modern eLearning platform helping employees learn at their best pace in their best environment.

On-site training – This is pretty self-explanatory. On-site training generally consists of training that occurs at the headquarters of a company. Or, rather, training representatives travel to different locations to train employees. Types of on-the-job training can vary in accordance to certain roles. For instance, with customer service and sales teams, both may practise role-playing whereas sales representatives are going to work on honing presentation skills and customer service reps may focus on phone communication. Off-the-job training methods can take forms of quizzing, performance reviews, and online learning courses. Online learning usually plays a part in on-site training; Seismic Learning enables managers to incorporate creative and informative content along with assessing learner progress.

Onboarding training – Onboarding training takes place when employees are hired. Onboarding training can be the most intense time period for learning in a company. Employee role information has to be learnt as well as cultural information like company values and beliefs. This can be a lot of information to learn, and frankly, assuming that an employee can retain all information before performing in a role is unrealistic. This is where on-going training plays in.

Ongoing training – What does continuous training improve? Ongoing training, or continuous training, reinforces information. This type of training is necessary within the first year of an employee’s role. Furthermore, it helps new and established employees remain on the same page. If processes or standards change, then a training session can be held to update all employees. With Seismic Learning, you can simply update a lesson and redistribute it to the entire company.

The difference between training and development

The difference between training and development becomes apparent after an employee begins performing their role with ease. From there, employees can progress and innovate within their role or prepare for a promotional position—therefore developing their role and skill sets. Though separate, training and developing employees acts cohesively to grow a company.

The advantages and disadvantages of training and development really depend on the size of a company. As a company grows, messages can become lost in the flow of processes. In order for employee training and development to run smoothly, a company, no matter its size, must have a detailed employee training plan in place. The training and development process can differentiate between industry and roles, but there’s no other field as familiar with its workings like human resources management. The methods of training and development in HRM can have a long-lasting impact on the way learning works throughout a company.

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Advantages of technology-based training methods

There are various types of training methods, but technology-based training is rapidly growing in popularity. This type of training uses the internet or a web-based application to learn content. The benefits of using technology-based training methods are vast, and we’ve highlighted a few worth considering.

Technology-based training methods improve retention rates

Humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish, so keeping their attention can be difficult. However, with technology-based learning methods, there are high levels of interaction and rich multimedia, ensuring employee engagement. In fact, a study found that instructor-led class has a retention rate of 58%, whereas a technology-based experience boasted a retention rate of at least 83%. Technology-based training methods drive higher engagement which translates to more learning and better use of resources.

Technology-based training is flexible

Employees may be too busy during their typical nine to five role for online training. However, technology-based training methods provide versatility and allow employees to access training whenever and wherever they need. Not all types of training methods have the benefit of fitting every employee’s schedule like technology-based training methods.

Technology-based training methods lead to faster learning

It’s easier to break down learning material into digestible pieces with technology-based training methods. With the help of a learning management system, companies can condense content into small pieces, saving employees time and leading to faster consumption of learning material.

Did you know?

Instructor-led classes have a retention rate of 58% while technology-based experiences boost retention rates to 83%.

Instructor-led training methods

When it comes to modern and traditional training methods, instructor-led, or “classroom style” still remains the most popular. This training methodology accounts for 42% of a company’s training hours and includes a lecturer or a subject-matter expert that leads the discussion or training in a more formal setting.

The instructor-led training methodology has stood the test of time because of a few benefits. First, this particular training type offers personal interaction. Employees have the opportunity to ask questions that may go unanswered in other methods of training and development. They also have the opportunity to interact with the subject expert directly, which can result in a more enriching learning experience.

In most traditional training methods, a significant disadvantage of other traditional training methods is that learners have to learn at the pace of the instructor. For some employees, this training methodology might move too quickly. For others, they could comprehend more material at a faster rate. With other modern training methods, such as E-Learning, employees can learn at a pace that is best for them.

Hands-on training methods

When it comes to other methods of training and development, the hands-on methodology is one of the most practical. Employees spend less time on conceptual topics and learn through active participation. Hands-on training is also one of the most preferred methods with an astounding 52% of adults preferring this type of training. Additionally, employees tend to learn at an accelerated rate with hands-on methodology.

There are also limitations to the hands-on methodology. Some might argue that this type of training is only conducive for particular learning styles. Some employees may learn differently and need more of a detailed explanation of their role before they can begin to excel. Employees may also feel they are a cog in the wheel or lack purpose if the training methodology doesn’t clearly relay the significance of their role in the organisation.

Video training methods

As one of the emerging modern training methods, video continues to grow steadily. In the next five years, 44% of executives believe video training methodology will become increasingly popular for internal communications. The rise of video is no surprise because almost 75% of employees are more likely to watch a video than read articles or documents. When it comes to other benefits, video training methodology has a few advantages worth mentioning.

  • Video is always accessible, unlike other traditional training methods.
  • Video training is useful with various training methods, such as E-Learning.
  • A staggering 96% of businesses believe video training methodology helps train employees rapidly.
  • This type of training methodology can be more engaging than a traditional PowerPoint or set of slides.
  • Video training is often less costly than other training types.

Train your team 10x faster.

Deliver effective and engaging online learning

With Seismic Learning, an entire company can split up training departmentally and even assign contributing roles to employees for the creation of lessons or managing a group of learners. This way, employee training topics are produced with acute detail and delivered efficiently throughout a company. For example, a sales director is going to have more keen thoughts on learning the sales process than someone in HR. If the sales director is in charge of representative learning, the director will have a better eye and ear for what needs to be included in or innovated upon in the learning materials and methods. Ultimately, help employees learn and ignite growth.

Regardless of the types of training methods in training and development used, Seismic Learning is an excellent tool to have. Lessons can be used to cover the basics before on-site training, that way, employees come prepared and companies save time and cost for training. Interested in experiencing Seismic for yourself? Jump into a free lesson.