What is web-based training?

Web-based training, also called computer-based training or online training software, delivers training to employees that’s available anytime, anywhere.

Online employee training platforms are used in a variety of organisations, industries, and other environments. Its flexibility is the ideal solution for providing training to local, global, and remote workforces. With today’s web browsers supporting animation, 3-D virtual reality, real-time audio and video, chat, and conferencing, it has created unparallelled learning and opportunity for training with virtual training platforms. In short, web-based training is designed to effectively meet the training needs of a wide and diverse population of today’s busiest workers.

Web-based training programmes are generally available in two different types of instruction:

  • The asynchronous web-based training definition includes a self-paced and self-directed format.
  • The synchronous web-based training definition includes an instructor facilitating the course.

There’s also a wide array of methods and web-based training examples, including:

  • Screen cam tutorials
  • Learning portals
  • Hyperlinked pages
  • Live web broadcasts
  • Streaming audio/video
  • Interactive methods
  • Chats
  • Desktop video conferencing
  • Threaded discussions

So now, you don’t have to ask “What is web-based learning?” anymore. For your own company, you should be able to establish your own web-based learning definition. Every individual or organisation will have their own definition due to their differing needs.

The benefits of web-based training software

Fans and advocates of web-based training feel it’s the ideal solution for continuing training and learning because it’s available on-demand, cost-efficient, and doesn’t require any travel. On the other hand, critics highlight that there are both pros and cons of eLearning and believe that web-based training is an appropriate solution for self-motivated, independent learners.

How can a company train a group of employees across the globe in radically different cultures, languages, and timezones? The answer is simple: web-based training software. Web-based training eliminates the need for costly flights and keeps an organisation aligned on what matters most, even from thousands of miles apart. Let’s take a glance at a few key web-based training advantages and the benefits of online training:

Web-based software is convenient for any schedule

When it comes to working remotely, nearly 77% of workers say they feel happier being able to work from home. And, as more companies embrace full-time remote work, web-based training software provides employers and employees alike the versatility and career growth they need. As top talents demand more workplace options and benefits than ever, web-based training for employees enables them to learn at their convenience, wherever they choose.

Training is available on-demand with web-based software

Online training platforms require no waiting to get started with training. A company no longer has to onboard new hires at the same time or wait for a large group of new hires. Instead, as business ebbs and flows, web-based training software allows a company to onboard when needed. And online training platforms free human resource employees from unnecessary time spent training, allowing them to focus on other areas of work or hone in on the most important topics in-person.

Web-based training software is a browser’s best friend

Employees bring different talents to organisations. For employees that aren’t as digitally savvy, using web-based training platforms can prevent potential technical issues stemming from downloadable software or apps. Web-based training software plays well with every operating system, so employees can nearly use web-based software with any browser—which means less fretting about which operating system or type of computer employees use.

E-Learning software is made for the company’s wallet

Predicting onboarding costs can be difficult. Online training platforms are cloud-based meaning that companies know the exact cost every month. With LMS software, companies can evaluate and manage their onboarding expenses transparently and effectively. An LMS also means no more costly travel for employees to fly across the country or globe to attend training, but because web-based training software is friendly for reps in any locale.

Stay aligned and consistent with web-based training

Global companies face the challenge of communicating and staying aligned about the things that matter most. With web-based training software, teams can refresh themselves on the company’s vision as needed. Organisations can schedule quarterly or semi-annual training using the online training system, diminishing the issue of alignment. They also could push out essential information in minutes, allowing rapid back-and-forth flows of information and feedback from corporate leaders to frontline workers. When conducting exclusively live training, it’s easy to see how certain HR employees could deliver training differently or potentially miss a valuable point. Especially in areas like compliance, a company’s LMS software ensures consistency and helps employees stay one step ahead.

Train 10x faster.

Features of web-based training platforms to look for

The process of evaluating web-based training software or e-learning systems should be done based on the needs of the organisations. With hundreds of different online training systems available, it’s important to make sure you choose the ideal LMS system for your organisation. While there are several different criteria to look for in web-based training tools, it’s vital to consider and include the following attributes in your assessment of web-based learning tools.

Assigning abilities

Since not every lesson will be designed for everyone within the organisation, it’s important to be able to assign courses to specific groups. The web-based learning management system should allow you to quickly assign and enrol members in courses based on the needs of the organisation. As you assign curriculum to different groups and individuals, the web-based training software should also allow you to assign completion dates or time frames the training has to be completed. Web-based training examples of time frames would be a new employee that is required to complete a certain number of core courses within their first 120 days of employment.

Tracking abilities

The online course software you choose should also be a valuable tracking tool for training and employee development. The majority of web-based training software systems will provide you with some sort of tracking features, but the best also includes reporting and notification features. These types of additional features ensure nothing is lost in the shuffle of large company-wide training initiatives or a surge to finish a special required training within a set amount of time.

Easy-to-build lessons

Above all, it’s imperative to be able to easily and quickly build lessons. While a lot of today’s web-based learning software is difficult to use and may seem like it requires a degree, it’s best to keep it simple. Instead of using difficult software to create online training modules, look for a computer-based training programme that includes things like drag and drop functionality and one-click text edit capability. After all, building a training lesson shouldn’t be more difficult than writing and sending an email.

Interactivity and engaging features

Just because your organisation starts using training and development software tools, it doesn’t mean that employees will automatically engage with training. The best web-based training tools allow lesson builders to add interactive elements throughout training content so employees don’t stare at a static screen full of text. By including elements like knowledge checks, images, and videos, pictures, quizzes, and practise exercises to reinforce training content, employees are more likely to engage with training and remember what they just learnt. This is much better than having them gloss over paragraphs of text, hitting the finish button, and going about their day.

The freedom and flexibility of web-based learning

At the core, the definition of online learning is synonymous with the Internet: it’s always on and always available. Because of this ubiquitous nature, online web-based learning has become increasingly popular. Web-based learning software offers users and the organisation several benefits, such as:

  • Learners gain access to experts and colleagues from various geographic locations that they would typically not have the ability to communicate with.
  • Training happens anyplace and any time that Internet access is available.
  • Individuals are able to learn around their schedule at their own pace within the provided time frame.
  • Learners can take advantage of continuous, lifelong learning without quitting their jobs, relocating, or having to stop the flow of their normal jobs.

In addition to offering the trainees more freedom and benefits, organisations enjoy many cost benefits, such as:

  • Reduced costs for the organisation because of fewer facility fees and travel-related costs.
  • Web-based learning software is less expensive when considering the worldwide distribution and district-wide distribution of training pertaining to a limited number of participants in a classroom.
  • Web-based training lessons can be recycled or updated for additional training.

The definition of eLearning is the utilisation of electronic technologies to access educational information outside of the typical classroom. Most eLearning definitions refer to a course, programme, or degree that is also delivered completely online. There are several different types of eLearning, such as the following:

  • The definition of text-driven eLearning includes simple content through graphics, text, some audio, and simple test questions. The most common example of text drive eLearning courses is compliance courses.
  • The best way to define e-learning courses is text-driven courses with visual interactive components to enhance learning.
  • Simulation eLearning places a heavy emphasis on portraying concepts through different mediums, including text, graphics, audio, and video examples. Following these lessons, simulation e-learning lessons typically include a “try-it” mode, where users can prove the skills they just learned.

What is eLearning design?

To realise all the outstanding advantages of e-learning, it’s important to have an effective e-learning checklist that includes some mixture of the following criteria:

  1. Did you analyse the identified needs of your team, time constraints, and budgets?
  2. Have you examined and analysed your e-learning audience or users?
  3. Are the course requirements consistent with the course objectives?
  4. Did you complete a task analysis?
  5. Does the course structure meet the instructional goals?
  6. Did you use a wide array of different instructional theories or models?
  7. Is the content offered in snackable and bite-size chunks of information for the participants?
  8. Are the headings clear and concise?
  9. Does each slide have bullet points?
  10. Does the design include a sufficient number of presentations, such as multimedia?

Find web-based training software that employees love

Seismic Learning (formerly Lessonly by Seismic)’s training platform for employees makes it easy to create engaging onboarding, hone essential skills, and deliver effective feedback to your entire organisation. Our user-friendly and simple web-based learning solution is purpose-built to help teams learn, practise, and grow. We make it easy to create, deliver, manage, and access training content so teams can train when and where it’s best for them. We also feature interactive tools like quizzes, assessments, and practise exercises to engage learners and ensure they retain what they’re learning.

While there are plenty of choices for free online training for employees, teams drive real business change with our training software. Want to learn more? Get a demo with us and we’ll show you around.