What is sales enablement training software?

Sales enablement has become an essential strategic function over the past few years. Because of its growth, many organisations are turning to sales enablement tools to help them create an effective enablement programme. Sales enablement platforms reduce the workload of sales and customer service professionals, streamline their workflows and provide go-to-market (GTM) teams with valuable insight to improve performance and drive revenue growth. 

Sales enablement software includes a number of different tools, including sales enablement training software. Sales enablement training software delivers learning content and information through online sales training courses that can be accessed from virtually anywhere. This is a great tool to provide new sellers with onboarding training so you can ramp new hires faster. It also delivers ongoing training to your entire sales force so they can improve their skills and knowledge, stay up to date on your organisation’s products and messaging, and learn about industry trends and best practices. 

The connection between sales training and enablement

Before we dive into the specific features and functionality of sales enablement training software, it’s important to understand how it fits into the greater enablement landscape. Sales enablement equips sellers with the right information, content and tools they need to optimise the sales process. This includes sales enablement materials, like case studies and one-pagers, as well as content that helps them better understand their customers’ needs and challenges.

Sales training is crucial to this process because it provides sellers with the knowledge and skills they need to interact with buyers. This includes product knowledge, organisational processes and procedures, ideal customer profiles, key messaging, and so much more. 

So, how do these come together? While sales training teaches sellers what they need to know to do their job, sales enablement encourages them to use the things they’ve learned and tools they have access to in a holistic way to create a better selling experience for buyers. Ultimately, by combining these approaches, companies can create a more comprehensive sales enablement strategy that provides sellers with everything they need to be successful.

Sales enablement training software features

Sales enablement training courses: Training software gives organisations the ability to create online lessons. Sellers have on-demand access to these training courses, so they can access them when and where it’s best for them. They can also include interactive elements like quizzes and knowledge checks to ensure reps understand and retain information.

Skills practice and tracking: The best sales enablement training software also gives reps the opportunity to practice newly learned skills in a training environment. Then, managers and trainers can track each rep’s skill progress over time. 

Feedback and coaching: In addition to tracking skill development, training software also gives managers the ability to provide coaching to sellers. This is a great way to deliver personalised feedback at scale, which is important for today’s busy sales leaders.

Tracking and reporting: This includes analytics and dashboards that provide visibility into individual and team performance. This includes metrics like course completion rates, learner satisfaction scores and quiz scores.

Integrations: Sales teams need to use a number of different sales tools on a daily basis. By integrating your sales enablement training software with your existing tech stack, sellers can access and complete training right in their flow of work.  

Benefits of sales enablement training software

We recently surveyed 1,200 sales, enablement and customer success professionals across the United States and Europe to better understand the value of sales enablement software. The Seismic 2023 Value of Enablement Report found that enablement software significantly enhances the sales training process. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of using sales enablement training software.

1. Ramp new reps faster

Traditional sales onboarding is ineffective. In fact, 83% of leaders say that their company’s onboarding process doesn’t train new hires quickly enough without preventing workflow disruptions. Sales enablement training software provides a streamlined way for reps to learn the information and skills they need with fewer resources and less time and money than traditional training methods.

2. Deliver consistent training

Another major bonus of using training software is that you don’t have to worry about some sellers learning information differently from their peers. Sales enablement training software provides a place for you to organise information and training content so that learning is consistent and efficient for everyone. This is a great way to ensure your entire sales force is using the correct messaging, following the right processes and receiving the most up-to-date information.

3. Provide reps with quick access to training

Without sales training software, sellers have to go out of their way to access training and enablement content when they need it. This results in a loss of productivity as sellers spend nearly 13 hours a week looking for content. But, 85% of respondents agreed that having quick access to training content via enablement software helps them better prepare for prospect interactions.

4. Boost seller confidence

Sellers have to keep track of a lot of information in order to close a deal. Instead of forcing sellers to remember everything, give them access to tools and information that help them feel confident going into any selling scenario. 80% of respondents agreed and noted that access to training content keeps them from second-guessing themselves when interacting with a buyer.

5. Improved buyer experience

The sales process is unpredictable and detailed. And, spending too much time searching for answers to a buyer’s questions negatively impacts the experience. 85% of respondents who use a sales enablement tool believe they’re able to speak to buyers from a more informed standpoint because they have quick access to training content.

Popular sales enablement training topics

Sales enablement is multi-faceted. So, there’s never a shortage of topics and materials to include in your sales enablement training programme. Here’s a look at some important topics to include in your training efforts.

Buyer personas

A buyer persona represents a detailed description of your organisation’s target audience. It’s formed by taking all of the data gathered about a sales team’s ideal buyer and formulating it into one fictional person, which they can use to represent what to look for in future target audiences. 

Buyer persona training teaches your sales reps how to understand a buyer persona and use it to optimise their sales strategies towards the target audience. Buyer persona training may also include information about formulating a buyer persona based on previous selling data.

Product knowledge

This ensures that sellers are up to date on all of the product knowledge and messaging for your organisation. This may also include knowing how an individual product works in tandem with the other products your organisation offers. This ensures that sellers are fully prepared to demonstrate a product to a buyer.

Sales tips

There are so many sales skills you can train sales reps on, such as communication, professionalism and the art of negotiation. Communicating those sales skills to your team shouldn’t come as a challenge, and you should be able to pass along a sales skill of the week to your sales team. The best sales enablement platforms give you the ability to democratise vital information and spread skills across your team with ease.

Sales skills

There are so many sales skills you can train sales reps on, such as communication, professionalism and the art of negotiation. Communicating those sales skills to your team shouldn’t come as a challenge, and you should be able to pass along a sales skill of the week to your sales team. The best sales enablement platforms give you the ability to democratise vital information and spread skills across your team with ease.

If you’re looking for even more sales training ideas, check out our free resource, 75 Sales Training Course Ideas!

Never stop growing.

Deliver sales enablement training with Seismic

If you want to create the best sales training for your team, it’s time to leverage sales enablement training software. When sellers have the right tools and knowledge they need to do their jobs, teams close more deals and grow revenue. Companies use Seismic’s training and coaching software to ramp new reps quickly, hone essential skills and deliver critical sales coaching at scale. If you’re ready to unlock your team’s potential and grow faster, get a demo